Tuesday, February 22, 2011

saia bijakk... :)

hahahaha.... sudaA pndai mkeup blog meyh !! bwu smlam blaja ... iniy sume bntuan dry 2 orng budakk niyh... yaitu... bestfie saia n spupu saia yg brdekatan..hahaha ta cye...??? hah cbe laA tngok blog saia 2.., cntik kann..?? jngan jeles meyh ! knyataAn kowt.. lauw spe2 nk blaja mkeup blog jngan crik saia.... crik budak 2 orng niyh !!! kenal pasty dlu dyowng niyh !!


bestfie slamanya.....

ini pulakk kezen saia..... :P

korng takmo marah eyh..?? ahahahahaha

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 7-Your dream wedding

ahahaha . of coz laA nk yg grand2 nyee .. 1st .. my dresss nk yg mcm niyhh ... haAa

CANTEKK kann .???
 than , ring plakk ,,

haAa b cyg nk mcm niyh taw .?? kate nk hdi polis ann .?? ahaha msty laa mnyak duit . so bleh aaa blikan towk cyg .ahahaha

lagi2 . kek plak! ahaha niyh yg suke niyh ..

hahaha . besaA kann .?? abes laa kopak udin cmnie . tapetape kawen hnye skali dlam seumor idop !!

invitation lakk !!

hah udin kate ta nk letak gmbar kann nNty ade orng santau . ahaha klaka laA . 

lastly centrepieces larkkk . baekk punyaAa ...

hhahaha . best kann .??? ngeEe . bile akn tibe saAt 2 ah .?? ahaha ta sbar2 plakk !!

Day 6-A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet

act .... sye taderk laA bpe suke nk bele bnatang niyh ! so cmne nk post niyh .?? aduhaduh !!! let see a cute pic o animal jerk ah ! ahahaha

hah tngok panda niyh ! dulu sye kene pngGil niyh laa ,  dsebabkan lebam at mte niyh ! ade jerk point dark2 niyh kann . ahahha

hah ! rabbit niyh mcm mimi kann .?? ahahah just kiddingg ...

haiiihhhh ... kucinggg ke ape n iyh .?? kcik2 da pndai eyh .? sye punn ta brani nk wat taw .?ahahah

act kucing niyh cute gark ann .?? tapitapi tatao laA npe sye niyh tkowt sngaAd ngn kucing . ahahah

Day 5-A picture of something you want to do before you die

before i die .... of coz laa blja tnGgi2 n dpt kje yg bgos like that !!!

hah kann best lauw jdi nurse . nk sngaAD2 jdi nurse . :)

after that of ocz laa nk kawen ngan spe .?? Mohd Izzudin Bin Mardan tnGgu eyh 10 taon ag kowt ahaha .
tapitapi tngok laA pict dyorng niyh ! ta sbar2 plak asenye bile da tngok . ahaha let usS !!

hah best kann ?? tngguuuu !!!

after that ... kumpul duit mnyak2 terbang ke makkah n madinah . nk wat haji n umrahh . then, nk tngok ibu tapitapi asenye pmpuan ta leyh msok kowt area prkuburan , sdeyh nye . :(
tngok niyh! teruja punn ade gakk !!! huh !

hah tngok 2 ...!!! at situ laa ibu d'smbahyangkann . untongnye ibuu .....
hurmmmm . ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 4-Your favourite photograph of your best friend

fevret photograph or my besfren ??? let us .... ehehe

i like this pict . she n her luvly bro . ahaha 

aduaduh ! maAP yea sye ade gmbar mimi sorng jerk yg laen taderk ah ! ahahaha . :)

Day 3-Your idea of the perfect first date

1st date .?? huh da mnyak kali date asenye . tapitapi my perfect date with him . his picture above there ... miss him soo muchh !!!
hey darl .? best kowt date with u , anywy thnx 4 evry things . i apPreciate 2 u . dye kte ahad niyh nk atang umah , tapitapi tatao laa , tngGu dan kihat jerk ah ! act taderk laa nk cter psal dye jea . ahaha jom tngok orng date niyh ! jeles plak . mesre sngad2 oh . tringin jgak mcmtu , tapitapi tngGu kawen kowt ! ahaha

 saye suke yg niyh ! ahaha gtai nye . tngGu eyh udinn kte kawen bwu dpt wat . ahahahha

jeles kowt tngok dyorngg .!!

tapitapi sye suke sngaAd yg niyh ! sweet sngaAd . ble lah dpt prfect date cmniyh . ahahaha .

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 2-Your favourite movie

ahahaha . fevret movie . ?  ? huh ! mnyak oh . . . majornye of coz laA malay nye . tapitapi yg luar ngarenye sye sukaA niyh i-robot lah ! waAa sukaA sngaAd meyh ! ta bosan kowt tngok cter 2 . haha

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 1-Your favourite song

My favourite song . ? ? ahah ! ape eyh ? huh mnyak sangadD laA yg sy minat . jap2 cbe list kanN eyh . . 
yg malay nye adira-ilusi , tomok-sejarah mungkin brulang , bila cnta didusta , aduh2 mnyak sngaAd oh ! ta lrat asenye nk list anN sumenyeR . tape laA . nNty2 lha hahahaha . lgu bi punN mnyak gak . jpun punN ade gak . haih ! susaA2 . :) 

Monday, January 24, 2011

tag tag

Day 1-Your favourite song
Day 2-Your favourite movie
Day 3-Your idea of the perfect first date
Day 4-Your favourite photograph of your best friend
Day 5-A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 6-A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
Day 7-Your dream wedding
Day 8-A song to match your mood
Day 9-A photo of the item you last purchased
Day 10-A photo of your favourite place to eat
Day 11-Whats in your makeup bag
Day 12-Your current relationship,if single discuss how single life is
Day 13-A picture of your favourite band or artist
Day 14-A tv show you're currently addicted to
Day 15-Something you dont leave the house without
Day 16-A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17-How you hope you're future be like
Day 18-5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19-A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 20-The meaning behind your blog name
Day 21-A photo of something that makes you happy
Day 22-A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 23-15 facts about you
Day 24-A photo of something that means a lot to you
Day 25-Who are you
Day 26-A photo of somewhere you want to go
Day 27-What kind of person attracts you
Day 28-In this month,what have you learned
Day 29-Something you could never get tired of doing
Day 30-A photograph of yourself today+three good things that have happened in the past 30 days


saAya sayang awaAk laA bhahaha . .  pic yg at bwah niy adelah teman trbaik sayaA :) , knal dy sjak fom1 ag

haAa . kami mMang rpat laA . nk citer psal dy skit . bdak niy kcik2 jea , cmel2 mcm i hahahah . tapitapi saAya ag tngGi dri dye lhaA . hahah sorie laA yea . knyataAn sumer 2 lhaA  jngaAn nk prtikaikaAn oke ?
pape mslah kite kongsi brsame . :) tapitapi smnjak 2 mnjak niy kanN dye mcm de mslah jea . ble tnye jea tade pape laA , tade pape laA . ish ! suke sngaAd mcmtu . 'hey kamoO ! jngan laA smpan2 msalh 2 nNty mkan diri taw . ?' baek gtaw cpat ape msalah awk . !  
 sayaA slalu mrempat gmah dy hahaha ntah2 naik muak dye agkny kann2 ? ! ta kre laA i de muak ke ta yg pnting i ta bosan lpak sme kamoO lhaA .  

                   ahahahah . yg niy adq dye . comel ah ! sayaA nk adq jgak 'boy' oke . haAa jeles lhaa . :(

tngok 2 , tngok 2 . haAa . alala cute laA laA dye . sayaA nk kamoO bleh ? hahahah Nnty maAra plak kaka kamo 2 kanN . hahaha . mte dye bulaAd sih . trgode saAya . hahaha

                                                    haaa tngok dy bgmbar ngan naufal . aduh !

Thursday, January 6, 2011


haaa . ? ayahku kawen lg .  ? uhuh ! 
tapetape . . smnjak kprgian ibu ayah msty sunyi enn . ? 
so , jdoh ayah mang ade . ayah akn kawen dngn sorng
guru . aq pun tmpang gmbire . 

nih bkal mak tiri aq
amacam . ? ? haha

haaa . bile sbot jea psal mak tiri nih . aq da mle tkot .
bkan ape , ade sowng kawan aq nih . bpk dye bwu jea kawen .
mle2 bkal bini dy 2 pnye laa baik . alih2 bile da kawen prngai mle brubah .
hah ! 2 yg tkot uw . hrap aa bkal mak tiri aq nih ta mcm 2 .
stakat nih dye lyan aq adik bradik oke la .
 tapitapi tatao laa da kawen nnty , huh ! amat cuak !

hah . ! ? ade upe ta kami ? ? 

auntie2 . jngan jahat sme saya taw . ?
nnty report ngan ibu. bwu taw . hah .!

New Blogger

ahah ! akhirnya mngactive an  blogger nih . 

yg lame ta ingad oh . thnx 4 my bestfie<syamimi asri>

 brsusah payah tlun wt an blog nih ye . 

dpt jugak cite2 dlm nih . hahaha 


haa da abis skolah . ?  bia btol kaw nih . ? ? 

awat mcm kcik jea bdan nih . adq lg bsar oh !

choi ! mlut kamu sumer .  ta pat time oh . !

tawu laa aq ta stngGi mne . jngan pndang rndah sngad oh !

hah ! ta kesah aa sume uw yg pnting suda abes skolah .

angah sudaa brambus blik ostel . adq msih ag trhgeh2 dok gmah nie .

haaa . ?  ! bju skolah  nie . ? 
ta pyah da sume 2 . !
bju2 kaw dok elok2 dlm almary 2 ye .
heee . aq ta kan gnggu kaw ag da .